Spring Fling 16" x 20" painted acrylic paper collage on matboard The above piece came together rather quickly once I got started. What took forever was the monoprinting of the papers that were cut in to the individual shapes. Deciding on colors is becoming harder and harder for me. I have always mixed my own colors rather than relying on pre mixed colors but now I am wondering about that. In any case, it was hit or miss to begin with but I finally put some colors together that appealed to me. They seem Spring-like I think.
The other thing that took me awhile was the part where I actually started the piece! This came in the midst of me getting ready to go away for a few days so my attention was really divided. As I mentioned though, once I got going things went pretty smoothly. I have been working first thing, very early in the morning. The time slot fits in better with my walking schedule which happens later in the morning. Once it starts to really warm up though things will get switched around again. The weather here really dictates when I do what. I feel like I am getting a little more adventurous with cutting these shapes. At first, I just used the scraps from having cut positive shapes for other pieces. I now feel more comfortable with just cutting shapes from printed paper and seeing how those fit together, cutting them further if necessary, as I go. This all seems pretty small but it's big for me. Going from the rigidity of the grid and using a knife and ruler to cut shapes and then to just willy-nilly cutting with the scissors is a big leap. I actually really love it! If anyone reading has made some big leaps lately, let me know! Libby [email protected] Comments are closed.
December 2024